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Best Sanitizers, Inc. Helps Food Processors Fight Salmonella in Their Facilities by Offering Free Educational Article on Industry Best Practices

Best Sanitizers, Inc. offers a free new article to help educate food processing facilities, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical plants on how to fight Salmonella.

Food safety professionals continually look for new and better ways to help control the risk of cross-contamination in their facilities. To help them in their efforts, Best Sanitizers, Inc. has released a series of educational articles designed to give food processing facilities, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical plants the upper hand in the fight against cross-contamination in their facilities.

Their latest article focuses on fighting Salmonella in a food processing facility. The article details specific characteristics of the pathogen and provides best practices for reducing its presence in a food plant. As discussed in the article, Salmonella is basically impossible to eradicate from the food processing environment. However, with effective preventative measures, this pathogen can be controlled. Salmonella is spread through cross-contamination from hands, footwear, tools, and other high traffic areas in the plant. Best Sanitizers offers products and solutions, such as their Alpet branded line of hand soaps, hand sanitizers, and surface sanitizers to help food processors reduce Salmonella and other pathogens in their facilities.

The complete educational article, Fighting Salmonella in a Food Processing Facility is available for free download.

“Our goal is to promote and educate the industry on, best food safety practices,” states Ryan Witt, Best Sanitizers’ President. “We want to provide food industry professionals with the tools and equipment they need to reduce cross-contamination in their facility.”